My creative process usually goes something like this: go to a nice market, see something on the shelf, think of something to make with it, go home, not have the rest of the ingredients, go back to the store, get more ingredients, start to make the dish, come up with more ideas whilst cooking, then arrive at final product. That was pretty much the story with this pesto. I had no idea what it would taste like, but it was seriously delicious. I (as per usual) didn't really measure anything, but I think the rough estimates below will help guide you to make this beautiful dish.
One more very important thing - please taste as you go. I tasted my pesto every step of the way, after every pulse in the food processor. You should be creating something you want to eat, so as you're mixing, taste for salt, spice, and texture. When you add cheese, taste it and make sure it's enough. There isn't a "right" way to do this, there's a million different ways to make pesto, and you should make one that you like. So please taste what you do.